
In questa sezione è spiegato come può essere gestita l’autenticazione e le autorizzazioni con il framework Code Architects


Una serie di claims definise l’identità e i privilegi dell’utente fornendo una maggiore flessibilità al sistema di autenticazione (rispetto ai vecchi ruoli di appartenenza). Un claim nello specifico è una particolare informazione relativa all’utente in questione (es. nome, email, telefono, zipcode), emessa da un’autorità ‘trusted’ e identificata come un dizionario di valori chiave, in cui la chiave è rappresentata dal namespace ed il valore da un dato particolare relativo all’utente.

  "type": "",
  "valueType": "",
  "value": "20570589-1fd0-4b9f-abbb-1b3221884757"
}, {
  "type": "",
  "valueType": "",
  "value": "Mario Rossi"
}, {
  "type": "",
  "valueType": "",
  "value": ""
}, {
  "type": "",
  "valueType": "",
  "value": "admin"
}, {
  "type": "",
  "valueType": "",
  "value": "mrossi"
  private _http: HttpClient,
  private _policyEngineService: PolicyEngineService,
  private _serializer: SerializerService) {

private setupClaims() {
        headers: new HttpHeaders({
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'Authorization': `Bearer ${this._accessToken}`
        responseType: 'text' as 'json'
      .pipe(map<string, IJsonClaim[]>(jsonClaims => this._serializer.deserialize(jsonClaims)))
      .subscribe(claims => {
    }, this.catchAuthError.bind(this));

Live Demo


Una policy definisce una regola collegata ad un nome di risorsa. La regola è disponibile solo in presenza di un determinato claim.

Esempio di una lista di policies applicative fornita al client. In questo esempio tutti gli utenti non aventi il ruolo admin (prima policy) ritroverrano disabilitati tutti i componenti con come risorsa : ‘property://Invoice/code’; solo l’utente con username abianchi (seconda policy) potrà vedere il pulsante di conferma con la resource ‘component://invoices/button/confirm’; solo l’utente con ruolo admin e con sid c423011b-003a-4df0-b578-94cce80e1c41 (terza policy) potrà accedere allo scenario invoices (se pilotata da una guard con controllo su nome di risorsa ‘scenario://invoices’).

Per rendere disponibili le policies sarà necessario passarle al Policy Engine. Per farlo andrà iniettato nel costruttore il servizio PolicyEngineService e successivamente le policies andranno deserializzate e passate al metodo setJsonPolicies.

    "type": "authorization",
    "resource": "property://Invoice/code",
    "selector": "enable",
    "claim": {
      "claimType": "",
      "claimValue": "admin"
    "type": "authorization",
    "resource": "component://invoices/button/confirm",
    "selector": "show",
    "claim": {
      "claimType": "",
      "claimValue": "abianchi"
    "type": "authorization",
    "resource": "scenario://invoices",
    "selector": "show",
    "and": {
      "claim": [{
        "claimType": "",
        "claimValue": "c423011b-003a-4df0-b578-94cce80e1c41"
      }, {
        "claimType": "",
        "claimValue": "admin"
  private _http: HttpClient,
  private _policyEngineService: PolicyEngineService,
  private _serializer: SerializerService) {

private setupPolicies() {
        headers: new HttpHeaders({
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'Authorization': `Bearer ${this._accessToken}`
        responseType: 'text' as 'json'
      .pipe(map<string, IJsonPolicy[]>(jsonPolicies => this._serializer.deserialize(jsonPolicies)))
      .subscribe(policies => {
    }, this.catchAuthError.bind(this));

Live Demo


Una resource (identificata da un resource name) è collegata ad una specifica policy la quale, in funzione dei claims dell’utente corrente, applica le sue regole dove lo stesso resource name è applicato

<sh-textarea resource="property://Invoice/code" [model]="invoice" prop="code"></sh-textarea>
@Resource({ uri: 'property://Invoice/code' }) protected code: number;
this.policyEngineService.observePolicies('property://Invoice/code', 'enable', 'show')
.pipe(takeUntil(this.destroy$), distinct())
.subscribe(policies => {
    console.log(`Policy says that enable is ${policies.enable} and show is ${}`);

Live Demo

Esempi di utilizzo

Eseguire il login con differenti utenti per osservare i differenti comportamenti

    "type": "authorization",
    "resource": "property://Invoice/code",
    "selector": "enable",
    "claim": {
      "claimType": "",
      "claimValue": "admin"
    "type": "authorization",
    "resource": "component://invoices/button/confirm",
    "selector": "show",
    "claim": {
      "claimType": "",
      "claimValue": "abianchi"
    "type": "authorization",
    "resource": "scenario://invoices",
    "selector": "show",
    "and": {
      "claim": [{
        "claimType": "",
        "claimValue": "c423011b-003a-4df0-b578-94cce80e1c41"
      }, {
        "claimType": "",
        "claimValue": "admin"
  Current logged user:
  <sh-caption [model]="profile" prop="username"></sh-caption>
<sh-text resource="property://Invoice/code" [model]="this" prop="code"
  [options]="{ placeholder: 'input-resource', width: 350 }">
<sh-text [model]="this" prop="code1" [options]="{ placeholder: 'decorator-resource', width: 350 }">
<sh-button resource="component://invoices/button/confirm" [primary]="true">confirm</sh-button>
<sh-button [primary]="true" (clicked)="router.navigate(['/storybook','business', 'invoices'])">
@Resource({ uri: 'property://Invoice/code' })
protected code1 = UUID.UUID();
export class InvoicesGuard implements CanActivate {
    private router: Router
    , private _policyEngineService: PolicyEngineService
    , private _toastService: ShToastService
  ) {

  canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
    return this._policyEngineService.observePolicies<{ enable: boolean, show: boolean }>('scenario://invoices', 'enable', 'show')
      .pipe(map(resp => {
        if ( {
          return true;
        } else {
          this._toastService.pop({ title: 'no-permissions-navigate', type: 'error' });
          return false;

Live Demo

Esempio di login

L’esempio seguente mostra com’è stato implementato nell’applicazione Storybook il login (con relative autorizzazioni) utilizzando le features offerte dal framework. In questo esempio (per semplicità) le policies, i claims e l’access token vengono presi da files json all’interno degli assets.

[STEP 0] Utilizziamo Scarface per generare un nuovo servizio chiamato ‘auth’ all’interno di un repository shared (in questo esempio il nostro repo shared è shell).

[STEP 1] All’interno del nostro repository shared, nella folder ‘models’ creiamo un nuovo modello chiamato ShProfile (che rappresenterà il profilo del nostro utente applicativo).

[STEP 2] Implementiamo ora la nostra logica di autenticazione ed autorizzazioni con policies e claims come da esempio.

[STEP 3] Utilizziamo Scarface per generare una nuova applicazione chiamata ‘auth’ e successivamente al suo interno un nuovo dominio chiamato ‘login’. In questo dominio andremo ad inserire il nostro componente di login che avrà il compito di interfacciarsi col servizio di AuthService e gestire quindi l’autenticazione.

[STEP 4] Modifichiamo le routes dell’applicazione ‘auth’ (come da esempio), in modo tale da reindirizzare l’utente direttamente alla pagina di login quando si atterra nell’applicazione ‘auth’.

[STEP 5] Modifichiamo la guard dell’applicazione ‘auth’ in modo tale da reindirizzare l’utente all’applicazione ‘storybook’ in caso esso sia già loggato.

[STEP 6] Modifichiamo la guard dell’applicazione ‘storybook’ in modo tale da reindirizzare l’utente all’applicazione ‘auth’ in caso esso non sia già loggato.

[STEP 0]

ca scarface service (auth)
// [STEP 1]
export class ShProfile {
     * Security Identifier namespace
    private static __sidKey = '';
     * Email namespace
    private static __emailKey = '';
     * Given Name namespace
    private static __givennameKey = '';
     * Role namespace
    private static __roleKey = '';
     * Username namespace
    private static __usernameKey = '';
     * Security identifier
    private _sid: string;
     * Email
    private _email: string;
     * Given name
    private _givenname: string;
     * Role
    private _role: string;
     * Username
    private _username: string;
     * Security identifier
    public get sid() { return this._sid; }
     * Email
    public get email() { return this._email; }
     * Given name
    public get givenname() { return this._givenname; }
     * Role
    public get role() { return this._role; }
     * Username
    public get username() { return this._username; }

     * User profile
     * @param claims List of user claims
    public constructor(claims: IJsonClaim[]) {
        claims.forEach(claim => {
            switch (claim.type) {
                case ShProfile.__sidKey:
                    this._sid = claim.value;
                case ShProfile.__emailKey:
                    this._email = claim.value;
                case ShProfile.__givennameKey:
                    this._givenname = claim.value;
                case ShProfile.__roleKey:
                    this._role = claim.value;
                case ShProfile.__usernameKey:
                    this._username = claim.value;
// [STEP 2]

import { ShProfile } from './../models/shell_custom';
import { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { PolicyEngineService } from '@ca-webstack/ng-policy-engine';
import { SerializerService } from '@ca-webstack/ng-serializer';
import { IShHttpRequestOptions } from '@ca-webstack/ng-shell';
import { IJsonClaim, IJsonPolicy } from '@ca-webstack/policy-engine';
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { map, publishReplay, refCount, takeUntil, throttleTime } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Config } from '../../env.config';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthService {
   * Authentication token key
  private static readonly __TOKEN_KEY = 'auth_token';
   * User Claims Identifier key (just for sample purposes)
  private static readonly __USERID_KEY = 'auth_user-claims-identifier';
   * Authorization path
  private static readonly __authorizationPath = 'api/authorization';
   * Url di reidirezione
  public redirectUrl: string;
   * Observable which emits an event when application requires an user logout
  public logout$ = new Subject<boolean>();
   * Observable which emits an event when an user is logged out
  private _loggedOut$ = new Subject();
   * Authentication access token
  private _accessToken = '';
   * User claims identifier (just for sample purposes)
  private _userIdentifier: string;
   * User profile
  private _profile: Observable<ShProfile>;
   * Specifies whether user is logged in
  public get isLoggedIn() { return !!this._accessToken && !!this._userIdentifier; }

  public constructor(
    private _http: HttpClient,
    private _policyEngineService: PolicyEngineService,
    private _serializer: SerializerService,
    private _router: Router) {
    this._accessToken = this._serializer.deserialize(localStorage.getItem(AuthService.__TOKEN_KEY));
    this._userIdentifier = this._serializer.deserialize(localStorage.getItem(AuthService.__USERID_KEY));
    if (this._accessToken && this._userIdentifier) {
    } else {

   * Retrieves info about logged user
  public getProfile(refresh = false) {
    if (refresh || !this._profile) {
      this._profile = this._http.get<string>(`${Config.API}/${AuthService.__authorizationPath}/${this._userIdentifier}-claims.json`, this.getAuthOptions())
          map(jsonClaims => new ShProfile(this._serializer.deserialize(jsonClaims))),
    return this._profile;

   * Initializes policies and claims
  public setupClaimsAndPolicies() {

   * Performs user login, holding access token
   * @param userIdentifier User claims identifier (just for sample purposes)
  public login(userIdentifier = this._userIdentifier) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const options: IShHttpRequestOptions = { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }) };
      if (options) {
        options.observe = 'response' as 'body';
        options.responseType = 'text' as 'json';
        options.withCredentials = true;
      this._http.get<string>(`${Config.API}/${AuthService.__authorizationPath}/token.json`, this.getAuthOptions())
        .pipe(map<string, { token: string }>(jsonToken => this._serializer.deserialize(jsonToken)))
        .subscribe(response => {
          const accessToken = response && response.token;
          if (accessToken) {
            localStorage.setItem(AuthService.__TOKEN_KEY, this._serializer.serialize(accessToken));
            localStorage.setItem(AuthService.__USERID_KEY, this._serializer.serialize(userIdentifier));
            this.init(accessToken, userIdentifier);
            this._router.navigate([this.redirectUrl || '/storybook']);
          } else {
            reject('No access token found');
        }, (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {
          reject(err && err.message);

   * Performs user logout
  private logout() {
    delete this._accessToken;
    delete this._userIdentifier;
    delete this._profile;

   * Initializes claims and policies
  private init(token = this._accessToken, userIdentifier = this._userIdentifier) {
    this._accessToken = token;
    this._userIdentifier = userIdentifier;
      .pipe(takeUntil(this._loggedOut$), throttleTime(1000))

   * Provides claims to policy engine.
   * A series of claims define the identity and priviliges of the user by
   * providing greater flexiblity to the authentication system comparet to
   * the old membership roles.
   * A claim is a particular information related to the user in question
   * (example: name, email, telephone, zipcode), issued by a "trusted" authority
   * and identified as a key value dictionary, where the key is represented by the namespace
   * of the claim and the value from a particular data relating to the user.
  private setupClaims() {
    this._http.get<string>(`${Config.API}/${AuthService.__authorizationPath}/${this._userIdentifier}-claims.json`, this.getAuthOptions())
      .pipe(map<string, IJsonClaim[]>(jsonClaims => this._serializer.deserialize(jsonClaims)))
      .subscribe(claims => {
      }, this.catchAuthError.bind(this));

   * Provides policies to policy engine.
   * A policy defines a rule linked to a resource name.
   * The rule is available just in presence of a specified claim.
  private setupPolicies() {
    this._http.get<string>(`${Config.API}/${AuthService.__authorizationPath}/policies.json`, this.getAuthOptions())
      .pipe(map<string, IJsonPolicy[]>(jsonPolicies => this._serializer.deserialize(jsonPolicies)))
      .subscribe(policies => {
      }, this.catchAuthError.bind(this));

   * Provides http headers mixed with access token
  private getAuthOptions() {
    return { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': `Bearer ${this._accessToken}` }), responseType: 'text' as 'json' };

   * Catches http errors
   * @param error Http error response
  private catchAuthError(error: HttpErrorResponse) {
[STEP 3]

ca scarface application (auth)
ca scarface domain (auth->login)
// [STEP 4]

export const AUTH_ROUTES: Routes = [
    path: '', component: AuthIndexComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard],
    children: [
      { path: '', redirectTo: 'login' },
      // --inject:routesList--
      { path: '', component: AuthLandingComponent },
      { path: 'login', loadChildren: () => import('./login/login.module').then(m => m.LoginModule) }
      // --inject:routesList--
// [STEP 5]

    providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
    constructor(private _router: Router, private _authService: AuthService
    ) { }

    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
        const canActivate = !this._authService.isLoggedIn;
        if (!canActivate) {
        return canActivate;
// [STEP 6]

    providedIn: 'root'
export class StorybookGuard implements CanActivate {
    constructor(private _router: Router, private _authService: AuthService
    ) { }

    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
        const canActivate = this._authService.isLoggedIn;
        if (!canActivate) {
            this._authService.redirectUrl = state.url;
        return canActivate;

Live Demo